Insights and tips on how to protect your property, giving you and your guests peace of mind.
Disinfecting your property can be a lot of work, especially when you are also running a business. Constantly washing linens, vacuuming, and sanitizing the fridge may be draining both physically and mentally. To help lighten your load, we at CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance put together a list of helpful housekeeping tips for before guest arrival, during their stay, and after they depart.
Fall not only offers some of the best outdoor weather, but it can also call for extreme weather concoctions - hurricane season colliding with wildfire threats. This lethal mixture makes it very difficult to plan when the next natural disaster may strike. It’s important to know if your property is located in the states with the highest risk and determine the best coverage to meet the needs of an unforeseen natural disaster.
Technology unlocks more than your vacation rental’s front door; it gives you peace of mind, knowing your property is safe while reducing risks. We put together a list of some popular, smart tech products for your property. Consider installing some of these smart technology devices to run your business more efficiently, eliminate potential risks to your short-term rental and increase your property’s appeal to guests.
The recreational amenities you offer with your vacation rental property can allow you to charge higher rental costs and may help attract more guests. That’s why it’s important to take every precaution to make sure your amenities are as safe as possible to help avoid accident or injury…. and a liability claim. If your vacation rental has recreational amenities, here are some simple steps you can take to not only keep your renters safe during their stays but also reduce your chances of liability.
Although you may not be able to reduce the risk of wildfires occurring in your area, there are measures you can take to reduce the risk of your vacation rental property being lost to a wildfire. While no property is fireproof, the goal is not to allow your home to be a fuel source for spreading the fire. Here are some things to consider as you scan your property for potential fire risks.
Summertime is synonymous with enjoying the great outdoors, and a time when short-term property owners open their homes as the ultimate retreat for guests. Whether your property has a fire pit, grill, or pool, summer fun requires remembering that safety comes first. Allow your guests to grill and chill with ease all while protecting your property with these summer safety tips:
From coast to coast, vacation rental properties capture something special. Your guests want to experience your unique property and the surrounding environment. In honor of June being National Great Outdoors Month, we broke down popular geographic regions and put together a list of essentials and safety precautions to consider for your vacation rental.
If you’re feeling stressed and anxious during these uncertain times, you’re not alone. Experiencing stress or anxiety over the health and economic fears brought on by COVID-19 is very normal, especially for vacation rental owners whose businesses have been highly affected. Not taking steps to cope with these feelings can put you at risk for long-term health effects.
As the travel industry begins to re-introduce itself into the “new normal,” stringent cleaning measures will not only be vital to the health and safety of vacation rental guests, it will also be a key factor in your property’s success. A fundamental component is ensuring guests trust that the short-term rental has been properly disinfected and cleaned.
The Coronavirus has had a significant impact on the travel and hospitality industries, leaving vacation rental property owners with unexpected financial loss. And with many headlines reporting that we are heading into a recession, short-term property owners are undoubtedly concerned for the future. While the total impact of the shutdown of short-term rentals businesses is yet to be seen, success will hinge on the financial planning you do now and when things return to a new normal.