Sarah Dean

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite . . . Your Guests!

Protect Your Property from Bedbugs

Few things can cause as much dread for a vacation rental property owner than the words “You’ve got bed bugs!” Taking preventive measures can help you avoid the aftermath of a bed bug infestation, but despite your best efforts, the nature of your business means you’re at risk. Having vacation rental insurance that offers protection for bed bug cleanup and removal can provide added peace of mind, limiting your out-of-pocket losses if you are the unlucky host of more than just the guests at your property.

The Down-Low on Bed Bugs

Controlling bed bugs in vacation rental properties starts with understanding that bed bugs can be present in any type of property, in any location. What’s more, they can live for up to a year without feeding. Unfortunately, that means you cannot assume your property is problem-free, even if it was vacant during the previous season.

Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are not nocturnal. The bugs feed on the blood of living hosts who are not in motion. This will likely occur at night while guests are sleeping or resting on furniture. Be diligent in checking bed frames, box springs, mattresses and couches for infestation. Don’t be fooled into thinking bed bugs only hide in the obvious fabrics; they love all types of soft spots. Bed bugs can also be found behind wallpaper and walls, in the floors, in cracks and in other small spaces.

How to Prevent a Bed Bug Infestation

While no guaranteed bed bug prevention tactic exists, simple actions can reduce the likelihood of an infestation. These actions should be considered in an attempt to mitigate the risk.  

  • Utilize protective mattress covers. Bed bugs like to lay eggs in non-disrupted areas, such as the stitching on mattresses and other hard-to-reach areas. Provide protective mattress covers that enclose the mattress and the box spring to prevent pests from thriving inside guest beds.
  • Provide metal luggage racks. Bed bugs are hitchhikers! They can travel in suitcases. When guests place luggage on soft surfaces, they risk taking bed bugs home or even bringing them onto your property. Bed bugs prefer to travel on soft surfaces, so they will avoid traveling down the metal legs of a luggage rack.
  • Provide enclosed, covered laundry hampers in the bathroom. Dirty clothing can be a hotspot for these creatures. Instead of providing open laundry hampers that can come into contact with other fabrics in the room, consider providing a covered option.
  • Wash linens in hot water weekly, at minimum. Items should be washed in hot water above 115° and dried on high.
  • Vacuum regularly. Pests can live in carpets and flooring. To prevent the spread, regular vacuuming helps.
  • Caulk holes in your rental property. Bed bugs prefer to hide in environments where they can be unbothered. Holes and cracks provide the perfect home for them to be undisturbed by unknowing property owners. Consider caulking holes to ruin this optimal environment.

Find out more about controlling bed bugs and mitigating your risk by reading our Bed Bugs Prevention Resource.

What Bed Bugs Can Cost You

According to HomeAdvisor, the national average cost of bed bug treatments is $1,750, with the cost reaching up to $5,000 in some cases. For vacation rental property owners, a bed bug infestation can also mean having to cancel previously arranged bookings and foregoing income while the property is being treated. If you don’t have insurance protection designed to cover bed bug infestations, consider purchasing it. Without adequate insurance protection, you could face hefty out-of-pocket expenses.

Does Insurance Cover Bed Bug Infestations?

Bed bug protection can be surprisingly affordable when you consider the potential cost of going without it. Optional bed bug cleanup and removal coverage from CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance covers up to $17,500 in bed bug infestation issues, including bedbug cleanup, removal and related expenses. When requesting insurance coverage options, be sure to ask our trusted experts about this optional coverage.

Make no mistake . . . bed bugs are nasty business. Fortunately, you can take preventive measures to limit your risk of an outbreak. One of those measures is making sure you have complete coverage that protects your rental property should an infestation unfortunately occur. Begin a free quote today to learn more.

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This blog may contain scenarios that are provided as examples only. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy issued. The information provided is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information.

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