Ward, Hayden

When Are You Potentially Liable for a Guest's Injuries?

House Guest Liabilities

As a vacation rental homeowner or property manager, the last thing you want to hear is a guest was injured at your property. Unfortunately, injuries can and do happen. Depending on the circumstances, your guest may believe you bear some responsibility for his or her injuries. Of course, being accused of negligent or intentional acts that led to a guest’s injuries does not necessarily mean you are responsible.

What Determines Liability For Guest Injuries In A Vacation Rental?

Determining vacation property owners’ liability for renters’ injuries is not always easy and depends largely on the specific facts and circumstances of the injury. Even if you bear some responsibility, there may be other factors that led to the injury. For example, if the injured person was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when the injury occurred or was improperly using a feature or amenity in your rental home, you may not be wholly financially responsible for your guest’s losses. It is smart to have a detailed guide for your guests to read upon entry with instructions for household items such as coffee makers, laundry services, and grills. But even if you take all reasonable safety precautions (like providing for using everything in your home), injuries can occur and you could have some liability.

If your short-term property has a loose railing or a broken step and a guest becomes injured from it, then you would liable for the accident. However, if someone spills a drink on the hardwood floors at your property and slips, then the guest renting the home becomes liable.

Limit Your Liability Risk with Preventative Measures

You can limit your financial exposure and liability risk by keeping your property clean, conducting routine maintenance, ensuring appliances, equipment and amenities are in safe working order, and promptly conducting repairs when needed. Our CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance blog features articles on pool closinggrill safetymitigation tips, and cleaning checklists to help you take preventive measures from unforeseeable accidents. You can also limit your financial losses by securing the right liability coverage for your business.

Vacation Rental Insurance Should Be a Critical Line of Defense

If the unforeseen happens, having the right vacation rental property insurance in place can help protect your investment and protect your vacation rental income. That means you won’t have to worry about expenses related to defending yourself and being personally liable for an injured guest’s medical expenses and other damages, up to the insurance policy’s limits.

In most cases, buying vacation rental insurance is fast and easy. When you work with CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance our experienced insurance experts will provide guidance based on your specific needs, helping you obtain the coverage you need. To learn more and to get started insuring a vacation rental property, begin a free quote today!

short term rental liabilities

This blog may contain scenarios that are provided as examples only. Coverage is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy issued. The information provided is general in nature and may be affected by changes in law or the interpretation of such laws. The reader is advised to contact a professional prior to taking any action based upon this information.

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About Us

CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance, a division of CBIZ Insurance Services,Inc., is the largest insurer of short-term vacation rental properties in the United States. As part of an $850 million New York Stock Exchange traded company (CBZ), we are the first broker to develop specific policy coverage to meet the needs for vacation rental properties and the amenities offered by these businesses. We have insured vacation rental properties since 2002.

The CBIZ Vacation Rental Insurance team knows insurance, specifically the risks and exposures related to short-term vacation rentals.We won't confuse you with technical "insurance speak" ~ our representatives are well versed in explaining your coverage in plain English. With hands-on, personal customer service, we guarantee swift communication and a 24/7 claims team that is ready to respond to your call any time of the day. As specialist in the industry, we leverage our knowledge and passion to ensure you and your business are adequately protected.